WhatsApp button Code

Adding the WhatsApp button for WordPress allows your customers to click a button and open a conversation from your website directly to your “WhatsApp” or “WhatsApp Business” phone number. This Code will help you Add the button to your website without the need to install any plugin.

CODE N" 01

Don't forget to change ( +21260000000 ) and add your own WhatsApp number.


CODE N" 02

Please copy this code and follow the instructions in the video, Don't forget to change ( +21260000000 ) and add your own WhatsApp number.

<div style="position: fixed;right: 10px;bottom: 0px;width:70px;margin-right: 2.8rem;margin-bottom: 2rem;">
<a href="https://wa.me/+21260000000">
<img src="https://raptorwebrigidosyanvils.files.wordpress.com/2019/05/whatsapp.gif">